Friday, April 11, 2008

Chichibu City 680

a.k.a. The Big Love Bike. Complete with hello-kitty pink numberplate.

Its a Yamaha Grand Axis 100. 0.1 litres of 2-stroke freedom. Its got just over 6000km on the clock, and was purchased for the princely sum of 90,000 yen - just over $900 Australian. Sure, it has some issues that need sorting. its missing a pair of side panels that fit under the footbed on either side, and it needs the front brakes looked at - bled, and maybe the pads replaced. But Kakizakai has already located the panels secondhand on yahoo auctions, for about $20 for the pair off a wrecked bike, and the mechanic is going to look at the brakes tomorrow for me.

Of course, after picking it up yesterday, it immediately rained all day. So this morning was its first proper outing. Up to the Myuzu-Park lookout and back. Which also gave me a chance to test out the Garmin 60CSx mapping GPS unit and the Japan map pack... :D


Blogger Kirsty Beilharz said...

Cool! Is it 100cc? Not be a maternal, but I hope you have a good helmet, Ben ;-) Hope you have great fun & take it easy on the wet roads. This will be really emancipating. Beats pedalling in some cases.

6:56 am, April 12, 2008  
Blogger Kirsty Beilharz said...

BTW where did you find a Japan Map Pack for the Garmin? I had quite a lot of difficulty locating an official map for my (also Garmin) GPS. At that time, Garmin didn't make any. Is yours made by Garmin? What software do you use on your PC?

7:01 am, April 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the numberplate its awesome awesome awesome!! FREEDOM MACHINE!!!

4:59 pm, April 12, 2008  

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