Monday, September 19, 2005

Shrine o' the times

This little shrine has been made and is maintained by one of the locals in my street, just down the road a bit. Its a very 'down to earth' kinda shrine, with the kinda things a very 'ordinary' deity might need. A clock shaped like a giant watch. Some plastic flowers. A girly magazine. A cup of tea. Some cooking utensils. Basic stuff.

A quick update on the neighbours. It appears that The Mechanic is ClipClop Woman's husband or father. I can't tell which, but on inspection, their house is part of the Garage 'compound'. I got a cool recording yesterday of the local grandmas chatting and having a great old cackle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi - I went around and turned off the fridge. I hope you don't mind - I threw out the fish ....

you are beginning to write English like a Japanese speaker

soon you will play the flute like a Japanese flautist

In Melbourne Huss and I have our annual Barkley St house party in three weeks - got the call yesterday.


10:09 pm, September 19, 2005  

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